Tag Archives: Postman

How to use Pre-request Script in Postman?

Postman is one of the most popular tools used for testing HTTP requests for web service APIs. It provides a user-friendly graphical interface for making HTTP requests to the API endpoint, inspecting the responses, and organizing the API testing workflow. In this tutorial, we will learn how we can use the pre-request script in Postman… Read More »

How to create a RestFul APIs in Spring Boot | Category API

RestFul APIs RestFul APIs are the interface that two computer systems use to communicate and exchange data over the internet using HTTPS ports. The APIs that follow the REST architecture design paradigm are called Rest APIs. In this article, we will create a category API for our blog application. To learn more about the Category… Read More »

Bean Validation – How to validate data using Bean Validation?

The Bean Validation API is used for the validation of constraints on an object model using annotations. It can be very useful for validating the length, format, regular expressions, etc. of an object model. By default, bean validation is a Java specification; we need to explicitly provide its implementation. Basics of Bean Validation API In… Read More »