Tag Archives: MySQL

How to Dockerize Spring Boot application with MySQL

The term Dockerize refers to the process of packaging an application and its dependencies into containers using Docker. Docker is an open-source platform that helps developers automate the deployment of applications into lightweight and portable containers that contain everything needed to run the application, including the source code, libraries, and system tools. In this tutorial,… Read More »

How to generate one million records in SQL

SQL stands for Structured Query Language. It is used for designing and maintaining structured data in a relational database management system (RDBMS). Structured data are the data that is stored in the form of a table with a structure of rows and columns. SQL allows us to create, access, and manipulate data and the database… Read More »

How to create a RestFul APIs in Spring Boot | Category API

RestFul APIs RestFul APIs are the interface that two computer systems use to communicate and exchange data over the internet using HTTPS ports. The APIs that follow the REST architecture design paradigm are called Rest APIs. In this article, we will create a category API for our blog application. To learn more about the Category… Read More »

Bean Validation – How to validate data using Bean Validation?

The Bean Validation API is used for the validation of constraints on an object model using annotations. It can be very useful for validating the length, format, regular expressions, etc. of an object model. By default, bean validation is a Java specification; we need to explicitly provide its implementation. Basics of Bean Validation API In… Read More »

How to create REST API in Spring Boot? | RESTful User APIs

API stands for Application Programmable Interface. It is a mechanism that is used for two or more computer programs to communicate with each other using a set of standard protocols. For example, when we try to login to a website, a login api gets called and requests the website’s server for authentication, and the website’s… Read More »

MySQL Workbench – How to make database schema in MySQL Workbench?

MySQL Workbench is an integrated development environment tool for designing and modeling database architecture. It is a unified visual tool for database architects, developers and DBAs(Database Administrators). MySQL Workbench comes along with various integrated tools which can be easily used for administrating purposes of server configurations, executing SQL queries, complex database schema designing and management,… Read More »