Jenkins – Jenkins Interview Questions & Answers

By | August 2, 2023

Ready to conquer Jenkins interviews? Let’s explore some common Jenkins interview questions and expert answers. We’ll learn all about Jenkins, a crucial tool for continuous integration and automation. Whether you’re experienced or new to Jenkins, these insights will boost your confidence and help advance your software development career. Let’s work together to succeed in Jenkins-focused interviews!


The following are CI tools, except ____________.

Choose the correct answer from below list
(3)Travis CI

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The correct answer is: (1) Maven


Maven is not a Continuous Integration (CI) tool; it is a build automation and project management tool used primarily for Java projects. On the other hand, Jenkins, Travis CI, and Teamcity are CI tools that help automate the process of continuous integration and continuous delivery in software development.

In a normal scenario, software from ____________ is deployed to production.

Choose the correct answer from below list
(1)All of the options
(2)Release branch
(3)Work branch
(4)Master branch

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The correct answer is: (2) Release branch


In a normal scenario, software from the “Release branch” is deployed to production. The release branch is a branch in version control systems where code is stabilized and prepared for production deployment. Developers typically work on their feature branches or work branches, and once the features are complete and tested, they are merged into the release branch. The master branch is often used for continuous integration, but the actual deployment to production is usually done from the release branch to ensure that the code has been properly tested and is ready for production use.


Private builds can be triggered automatically.

Choose the correct answer from below list

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The correct answer is: (2) True


Private builds can indeed be triggered automatically. In software development and Continuous Integration (CI) practices, private builds refer to builds that are triggered for individual developers or team members before merging their changes into a shared repository, often referred to as the mainline or master branch.


Subversion (SVN) is a distributed version control system.

Choose the correct answer from below list

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The correct answer is: (2) False


Subversion (SVN) is not a distributed version control system; it is a centralized version control system. In a centralized version control system like SVN, there is a central repository that holds all versions of the code, and users must interact with this central repository to collaborate and share changes. In contrast, distributed version control systems (DVCS) like Git allow each user to have their own copy of the entire repository, enabling more flexible and decentralized collaboration.


Which of these is not a valid build trigger?

Choose the correct answer from below list
(1)parameterized trigger
(2)manual trigger
(3)downstream trigger
(4)version conrol trigger

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The correct answer is: (4) version control trigger


1. Parameterized Trigger: A parameterized trigger allows you to start a build with specific parameters, providing flexibility in customizing the build process or passing data to downstream builds.

2. Manual Trigger: A manual trigger requires a manual action by a user or a designated team member to initiate the build process. This can be useful for certain critical or controlled builds that need human intervention before running.

3. Downstream Trigger: A downstream trigger initiates a build in another project (downstream project) automatically when a build in the current project (upstream project) is successful. It helps in automating dependent builds.

4. Version Control Trigger: This option is not a valid build trigger terminology. However, version control systems like Git can be used in conjunction with CI systems to trigger builds automatically whenever changes are pushed to the repository (e.g., using webhooks). This behavior is not a specific “version control trigger” but is commonly associated with Continuous Integration.


Select the activity/activities that are part of Continuous Integration.

Choose the correct answer from below list
(1)Code Build
(2)All the options
(4)Version Control

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The correct answer is: (2) All the options


Continuous Integration (CI) involves automating various activities to ensure that code changes are regularly and automatically integrated, built, tested, and inspected. All the options listed are part of Continuous Integration:

1. Code Build: Automating the process of building the code to create executable artifacts.

2. Tests: Automating the execution of tests, including unit tests, integration tests, and other forms of testing, to ensure that code changes do not introduce regressions.

3. Version Control: Using a version control system like Git to manage code changes, branches, and merge requests efficiently.

4. Inspection: Automating code inspections and static analysis to identify potential issues, security vulnerabilities, and code quality problems.

By automating these activities as part of CI, development teams can ensure that code changes are continuously validated and integrated into the main codebase, reducing the risk of integration problems and improving the overall software development process.


____________ is an independent line of work.

Choose the correct answer from below list
(2)None of the options

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The correct answer is: (1) Branch


A “branch” refers to an independent line of work within a version control system, such as Git. Each branch represents a separate line of development and can contain its own set of code changes. Using branches allows multiple developers to work on different features or bug fixes simultaneously without interfering with each other’s code. Jenkins can be configured to build and test code changes from different branches automatically as part of the continuous integration process.


Branch is also known as a ___________.

Choose the correct answer from below list
(2)None of the options

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The correct answer is: (4) Codeline


In version control systems, a branch is sometimes referred to as a “Codeline.” Developers create branches to work on specific features or bug fixes, and each branch represents a separate codeline with its unique set of changes. The codeline concept is commonly used in configuration management and version control to distinguish different streams of code development.


Feature branching is used to work on _____________.

Choose the correct answer from below list
(1)bug fixes
(2)None of the options
(3)both user stories and bug fixes
(4)User stories

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The correct answer is: (4) User stories


Feature branching is a development practice that involves creating separate branches in version control systems to work on specific features or user stories independently from the main codebase. This approach allows different team members to work on different tasks concurrently, without interfering with each other’s work. Therefore, option 4, “User stories,” is the correct answer.


Which is NOT true about continuous integration?

Choose the correct answer from below list
(1)Most effectively done through automation
(2)Involves moving code from development to test environment
(3)Involves moving code in large amounts
(4)Involves moving code in frequent intervals

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The correct answer is: (3) Involves moving code in large amounts


(1) Most effectively done through automation: Continuous Integration is most effectively done through automation, where the process of integrating code, building the application, and running tests is automated to ensure consistency and efficiency.

(2) Involves moving code from development to the test environment: Continuous Integration involves moving code changes from individual developers’ environments to a shared repository and then to a testing environment for automated testing.

(4) Involves moving code in frequent intervals: Continuous Integration requires developers to integrate their code changes frequently, typically multiple times a day, to maintain a steady flow of small changes into the main codebase.

However, (3) “Involves moving code in large amounts” is NOT true. Continuous Integration promotes the integration of small, incremental changes, rather than large, infrequent ones. Frequent integration of smaller changes reduces the chances of conflicts and integration issues, making it easier to identify and fix problems early in the development cycle.


The following are CI practices, except ___________.

Choose the correct answer from below list
(1)Running fast builds
(2)Staging Builds
(3)Committing frequently
(4)Deploying to production

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The correct answer is: (4) Deploying to production


The following practices are related to Continuous Integration (CI):

(1) Running fast builds: CI requires fast and efficient builds to ensure that code changes are integrated and tested frequently.

(2) Staging Builds: Staging builds are used to create an environment that simulates the production environment, allowing for further testing before deploying to production.

(3) Committing frequently: CI encourages developers to commit their code changes frequently to the shared repository to facilitate continuous integration and minimize conflicts.

(4) Deploying to production: Deploying to production is not a CI practice. While CI ensures that code changes are integrated frequently and tested, the deployment to production is a separate step in the software development process and might involve additional testing and release processes beyond CI.


Which of the tools is not used for establishing a pipeline workflow ?

(1)Travis CI

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The correct answer is: (2) Maven


Maven is not a Continuous Integration (CI) tool; it is a build automation and project management tool used primarily for Java projects. On the other hand, Jenkins, Travis CI, and Teamcity are CI tools that help automate the process of continuous integration and continuous delivery in software development.


Teamcity is a ______________________.

(1)Build Tool
(2)Build Scheduler

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The correct answer is: (2) Build Scheduler


TeamCity is a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) server developed by JetBrains. It is primarily known as a build scheduler, which means it automates the process of building, testing, and deploying code changes to various environments. TeamCity is commonly used in software development teams to implement CI/CD pipelines, enabling developers to automatically build and test their code changes on different branches or configurations and deploy them to staging or production environments as needed.


Functional testing can be automated using Jenkins.


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The correct answer is: (1) True


Yes, functional testing can be automated using Jenkins. Jenkins is a popular open-source automation server that supports the integration of various testing frameworks and tools. It allows you to set up and schedule automated functional tests, which can be run as part of your Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) pipelines. Jenkins can execute test scripts, capture test results, and generate reports, making it a valuable tool for automating functional testing in software development projects.


Release builds can be triggered ___________.

(2)by polling for changes
(4)All of the options

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The correct answer is: (4) All of the options


Release builds can be triggered in various ways, and all of the options listed are valid methods to trigger a release build:

(1) Event-driven: Release builds can be triggered automatically based on specific events, such as code commits, pull requests, or successful completion of a previous build.

(2) By polling for changes: Some CI/CD systems can continuously monitor the version control system for changes, and when changes are detected, they trigger a release build.

(3) On-demand: Release builds can also be triggered manually on-demand, where a developer or team initiates the build process when they are ready to release a new version of the software.

So, release builds can be triggered through events, polling for changes, or manually on-demand, making option (4) “All of the options” the correct answer.


Stream based version control helps to apply bug fixes to many versions of the application


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The correct answer is: (2) True


Stream-based version control facilitates managing multiple development streams or branches, representing different versions of the application. Bug fixes can be applied directly to the relevant stream, ensuring updates in all affected versions. It enables efficient bug management and prevents unintended side effects when applying changes to different versions.


Time taken to fix a broken build is measured using ________________.

(1)Build repair rate
(2)Successful build rate
(3)Total Build time

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The correct answer is: (1) Build repair rate


The time taken to fix a broken build is measured using the “Build repair rate.” It refers to the duration it takes to rectify and successfully build the codebase after a build failure. Monitoring the build repair rate is essential in Continuous Integration (CI) practices to identify issues in the development process and ensure that the codebase remains stable and reliable. A low build repair rate indicates a swift resolution of issues, leading to a healthier and more efficient development workflow.


_______________ is a measure of incoming dependencies.

(1)Cyclomatic Complexity
(2)Afferent Coupling
(3)Efferent Coupling

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The correct answer is: (2) Afferent Coupling


Afferent Coupling, also known as incoming coupling, is a measure of how many other modules or components depend on a specific module or component in a software system. It indicates the number of incoming dependencies to a particular element, reflecting its level of interconnectedness and potential impact on other parts of the system. Lower afferent coupling is generally desirable, as it promotes modularity and reduces the risk of unintended side effects when making changes to the module.


IBM Clearcase is a __________ version control


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The correct answer is: (2) Streambased


ClearCase is an older version control system developed by IBM, and it follows a stream-based model where each stream represents an independent line of development. Developers work in their own streams, and changes are eventually merged into other streams as necessary. This model allows for isolated development and better control over concurrent development efforts. ClearCase also supports various branching and merging strategies, making it suitable for large software development projects.


The developer runs the private builds before moving the changes to the local version control.


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The correct answer is: (1) False


Developers typically run private builds or local tests on their code changes before moving those changes to the shared or central version control repository. Private builds are local tests that allow developers to check if their code is working correctly before integrating it with the main codebase. Once the code changes have been tested and verified locally, they can be committed or pushed to the version control repository to be shared with the rest of the team.


The minimum number of test inputs required to verify the execution of a program is determined by ______________.

(1)Cyclomatic Complexity Number (CCN)
(2)Both coupling and CCN
(4)None of the options

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The correct answer is: (1) Cyclomatic Complexity Number (CCN)


Cyclomatic Complexity is a software metric used to measure the complexity of a program’s control flow. It represents the minimum number of independent paths through the source code that need to be exercised to achieve complete coverage during testing. Each independent path corresponds to a unique test case, and the cyclomatic complexity value helps determine the minimum number of test inputs required to verify the execution of the program thoroughly.

So, the minimum number of test inputs required to verify the execution of a program is determined by the Cyclomatic Complexity Number (CCN).


A build can be triggered by a version control tool.


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The correct answer is: (2) True


A build can indeed be triggered by a version control tool. Many modern version control systems, such as Git, SVN (Subversion), and others, provide integration with continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) systems like Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD, and Travis CI. These CI/CD tools can be configured to monitor the version control repository for code changes. When changes are detected, they automatically trigger the build process, which includes compiling the code, running tests, and producing artifacts or executable binaries. This automated build process ensures that the latest changes in the version control system are continuously built and tested, leading to a more stable and reliable software development process.


____________ branches are created for logical changes.

(2)Both the options
(3)None of the options

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The correct answer is: (1) Functional


Functional branches are created for logical changes in a version control system. These branches are typically used to work on specific features, bug fixes, or user stories independently from the main codebase. Functional branches help isolate the changes related to a particular logical task, allowing developers to work on different features concurrently and merge them back into the main codebase once they are complete and tested.


Git is a _____________ version control system.

(1)None of the options

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The correct answer is: (4) Distributed


Git is a distributed version control system (DVCS). In a distributed version control system, each developer has their own local copy of the entire repository, including the full history and versioning information. This allows developers to work independently and make commits, create branches, and perform other version control tasks locally without requiring constant access to a central server. Changes can be shared and synchronized between developers’ repositories through push and pull operations, facilitating collaborative and decentralized development workflows.


Does CI pipeline need to have all the software development functionalities integrated in place ?


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The correct answer is: (2) False


A Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline is focused on automating code integration, building, and testing processes. It does not need to encompass all software development functionalities. While it typically includes building, testing, and code analysis, other functionalities like deployment and production releases can be handled separately through Continuous Deployment (CD) or Continuous Delivery (CD) pipelines. These can be integrated with CI to form a more comprehensive CI/CD pipeline, covering all aspects of the software development lifecycle.


____________ deploys a code to production.

(1)Release build
(2)None of the options
(3)Private Build

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The correct answer is: (1) Release build


A Release build is the type of build that deploys a code to production. Release builds are specifically created for the purpose of deploying the code changes to a live production environment. The release build is thoroughly tested, verified, and prepared for deployment before being pushed to the production environment to ensure a stable and reliable release of the software.


Release branches are created for solving bugs detected after the application is released to the user.


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The correct answer is: (1) False


Release branches are created before the application is released to the users for stabilizing and testing the code, not after. After the release, bug fixes and updates are typically worked on in separate branches and then merged into the main development branch.


Which of the tools is not mandated for integration in a CI pipeline ?


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The correct answer is: (1) Terraform


Terraform is a tool for provisioning and managing infrastructure as code. It is mainly used for automating the creation and configuration of infrastructure resources like virtual machines, networks, and storage. While it is an essential tool for managing infrastructure, it is not directly related to the CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) process itself.


It is not required to assign an owner for a branch.


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The correct answer is: (1) False


It is generally recommended to assign an owner to a branch for accountability, coordination, and code review purposes. Having an assigned owner helps ensure that someone is responsible for the changes in the branch and can address any related questions or issues. It improves collaboration and organization in software development workflows.


Efferent Coupling is a measure of ___________.

(1)Code Complexity
(2)Incoming dependencies
(3)Outgoing dependencies

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The correct answer is: (3) Outgoing dependencies


Efferent Coupling is a measure of outgoing dependencies. It quantifies the number of classes or modules that depend on other classes or modules within a software system. In other words, it measures how many elements are dependent on a particular element. A higher efferent coupling value indicates a higher level of dependency on the class or module, which can affect the maintainability and flexibility of the codebase. It is a significant metric used in software design and architecture evaluation.


Code compilation is an essential part of __________.

(1)Version control
(2)Testing Tool
(3)Build Tool

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The correct answer is: (3) Build Tool


Code compilation is an essential part of the Build Tool process. Build tools are responsible for taking the source code of a software project, including all its dependencies, and converting it into executable artifacts or libraries. Compilation is one of the primary steps in the build process, where the source code is translated into machine-readable code (e.g., object code or bytecode) that can be executed by the computer. After successful compilation, the build tool may proceed with other tasks like linking, packaging, and producing the final build output, ready for deployment or distribution.


_______________ helps in differentiating the environments.

(1)Build scripts
(2)Configuration files
(3)Both the options

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The correct answer is: (2) Configuration files


Configuration files help differentiate environments by storing specific settings for each environment (e.g., dev, test, prod). They allow the application to adapt to different conditions, like database connections or API endpoints, ensuring consistent behavior. Build scripts automate the build process but are not directly related to environment differentiation.


Jabber is a

(1)Deployment plugin
(2)Build plugin
(3)Messaging plugin

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The correct answer is: (3) Messaging plugin


Jabber, also known as XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol), is a communication protocol used for instant messaging, presence, and chat applications. It allows users to exchange messages and presence information in real-time, making it suitable for messaging and collaboration applications. Jabber can be integrated into various software systems as a messaging plugin to enable instant messaging capabilities within the application.


Feature toggle can be used in the following scenarios ________.

(1)All of the options
(2)None of the options
(3)Disabling or Hiding a feature
(4)Adding a new feature to an application
(5)Enhancing an existing feature in an application

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The correct answer is: (1) All of the options


Feature toggles, also known as feature flags or feature switches, are used in various scenarios:
1. Disabling or Hiding a feature: Feature toggles allow developers to turn off or hide specific features in production, giving them the flexibility to disable functionality temporarily or in specific environments.
2. Adding a new feature to an application: Feature toggles can be used to introduce new features gradually, enabling them for a subset of users before a full release, allowing controlled testing and monitoring.
3. Enhancing an existing feature in an application: Feature toggles enable the gradual rollout of enhancements or changes to existing features, reducing the risk of bugs or disruptions.
4. All of the options: Feature toggles offer a versatile approach to managing feature deployment, enabling developers to control and manage features in various ways to achieve a more controlled and seamless software development process.


It is perfectly acceptable to commit a code change, though the code inspection has failed.


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The correct answer is: (1) False


It is not acceptable to commit a code change if the code inspection has failed. Code inspections are conducted to ensure code quality, identify issues, and follow best practices. Addressing and fixing any problems found during the inspection is necessary before committing the code change. Committing code with known issues can lead to software defects and negatively impact the development process. Properly reviewing and resolving issues before committing changes is crucial for maintaining a stable and reliable codebase.


The following options are mandated for a CI pipeline, except ____________.

(1)Functional testing
(2)Application code
(3)Infrastructure as Code
(4)Configuration code

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The correct answer is: (1) Functional testing


In a Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline, the other three options are typically included:
Application code: The CI pipeline involves continuously integrating and testing the application codebase to ensure that any changes made by developers are merged and tested regularly.
Infrastructure as Code: CI pipelines often include infrastructure provisioning and management through code (Infrastructure as Code) to ensure consistency and reproducibility of the environments used in the CI/CD process.
Configuration code: Configuration files that customize the application behavior for different environments (e.g., development, testing, production) are usually part of the CI pipeline to adapt the application to specific settings.
Functional testing is not mandated for every CI pipeline, but it is often included in CI/CD processes to automate and validate the functional aspects of the application during the pipeline execution.


CI servers use the _________ expression to poll for changes.


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The correct answer is: (2) CORN


CRON is a time-based job scheduler commonly used in Unix-like operating systems. In the context of Continuous Integration (CI) servers, CRON expressions are used to schedule and automate the polling of version control systems (e.g., Git) to check for changes in the source code repository. By specifying a CRON expression, the CI server can periodically check for new commits or updates in the repository and trigger the CI/CD pipeline to build, test, and deploy the code as necessary. This allows for continuous integration and automated software delivery based on the defined schedule.


_______________ is a code coverage tool.

(4)None of the options

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The correct answer is: (2) Cobertura


Cobertura is a popular code coverage tool used to measure how much of the application’s codebase is covered by automated tests. It provides metrics to assess the extent to which the source code has been exercised during the testing process. This information helps developers identify areas of code that need more testing and provides insights into the overall quality of the test suite. NUnit and Jenkins are not code coverage tools; NUnit is a unit testing framework for .NET applications, and Jenkins is a popular CI/CD automation server.


Trunk based development is followed in ____________.

(1)Branch by Abstraction
(2)None of the options
(3)Stream based version control

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The correct answer is: (1) Branch by Abstraction


Trunk Based Development is followed in “Branch by Abstraction” and not specifically in “Stream based version control.” In Trunk Based Development, developers commit changes directly to the main branch, which is in line with the approach used in Branch by Abstraction where changes are made incrementally without relying on long-lived feature branches.


Which of the following is an artifact repository?


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The correct answer is: (4) Nexus


Nexus is a popular artifact repository manager used to store and manage software artifacts and dependencies. It serves as a central repository for storing binary artifacts, such as JAR files, WAR files, and other build artifacts. Developers and build systems, like Maven, can retrieve these artifacts from Nexus, ensuring consistency and reliability in the software development process.


Ant is a .Net build tool.


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The correct answer is: (2) False


Ant is not a .NET build tool. Ant (Apache Ant) is a Java-based build automation tool primarily used for Java projects. It is similar to Maven in the sense that it helps manage the build process, but it is not specific to .NET development.
For .NET projects, the commonly used build tool is MSBuild (Microsoft Build Engine). MSBuild is integrated with Visual Studio and is the default build tool for .NET projects. It is used to compile code, manage dependencies, and create executable assemblies or packages for deployment.


Select a CI tool based on its ______________.

(2)None of the options
(4)Both the options

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The correct answer is: (1) Extendability


Extendability is an important consideration when choosing a CI (Continuous Integration) tool. A CI tool should allow easy integration with various tools, plugins, and technologies to support the specific needs of the development environment. A highly extendable CI tool enables teams to customize their CI/CD pipelines, integrate with different version control systems, testing frameworks, deployment platforms, and other essential components of the development workflow.


Control flow graph is used to determine ___________.

(1)Efferent Coupling
(2)Afferent Coupling
(3)Cyclomatic Complexity

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The correct answer is: (3) Cyclomatic Complexity


A control flow graph is used to determine Cyclomatic Complexity, a software metric measuring code complexity based on independent paths. The graph represents the flow of control between statements and decision points in a program. By analyzing the graph, developers can calculate the number of paths, aiding in assessing code complexity and testing difficulty. Efferent Coupling and Afferent Coupling are unrelated and measure module or class dependencies in a software system.

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