Tag Archives: Java

How to make YAML to Java object

YAML stands for YAML Ain’t Markup Language also know as Yet Another Markup Language, It is a popular configuration format used to define application properties and settings in a more human-readable manner. It is an alternative to the traditional properties file format (.properties), commonly used in Java applications. In this tutorial, we will learn to… Read More »

SOLID Principles Java

The SOLID Principles Java are an object-oriented approach to software applications that has changed the way object-oriented applications are written by ensuring modularity, easy maintainability, easy understanding, easy to debug and refactor etc. The acronyms for SOLID principles are following: SOLID Principles Java Let us understand each of the Solid Design Principles Java with the… Read More »

How to create a RestFul APIs in Spring Boot | Category API

RestFul APIs RestFul APIs are the interface that two computer systems use to communicate and exchange data over the internet using HTTPS ports. The APIs that follow the REST architecture design paradigm are called Rest APIs. In this article, we will create a category API for our blog application. To learn more about the Category… Read More »

Bean Validation – How to validate data using Bean Validation?

The Bean Validation API is used for the validation of constraints on an object model using annotations. It can be very useful for validating the length, format, regular expressions, etc. of an object model. By default, bean validation is a Java specification; we need to explicitly provide its implementation. Basics of Bean Validation API In… Read More »

Java OOPs – What is OOP in Java?

The Object Oriented Programming is a paradigm for designing programs using classes and objects. OOPs simplify and speed up software development and maintenance using concepts such as Object, Classes, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction and Encapsulation. Object in Java An object is a real-world, run-time entity. It has a state and a behavior. For example, A dog… Read More »