Category Archives: Java

Concurrent HashMap – Real life use of Concurrent HashMap

What is ConcurrentHashMap? In Java, ConcurrentHashMap is a class that implements the Map<K,V> interface, and it is synchronised. When we declare a HashMap<K,V> in Java, the JVM internally assigns 16 buckets of memory to it. In ConcurrentHashMap, the lock is on each of the 16 buckets, which facilitates multiple write operations on different buckets concurrently… Read More »

How to convert Java class file to source code

Java Decompiler A Java decompiler is a reverse engineering tool that can be used to convert Java bytecode back to Java source code. It became useful when we had the compiled Java classes (in the form of bytecode, typically stored in a.class file) but not the original source code. In this tutorial, we will learn… Read More »

Lombok is not generating Getters and Setter?

Lombok is a popular Java library that simplifies Java application development by reducing boilerplate code and making our codebase clean and easy to understand. It is an annotation-based library that provides several annotations to be used in Java classes to automatically generate the biolerplate codes for getters, setters, constructors, etc. These annotations are processed at… Read More »

Java 21 – Java 21 features with example

The new version of Java, Java 21, is finally released on September 19, 2023, as the next long-term support (LTS) version. Because of this LTS version, it will be used in commercial support as the next stable version. After working on a total of 2585 JIRA issues, of which 1868 were resolved by Oracle and… Read More »