Author Archives: paulsofts

Jenkins – What & How to build Jenkins pipeline?

In Jenkins, a pipeline is a workflow with a group of events or jobs that are linked to each other in a sequence. The Jenkins pipeline is a process of continuous delivery automation using Jenkins jobs (items). In the Jenkins pipeline, each job contains some processing inlets and outlets. For example, Build->Deploy->Test->Release are the different… Read More »

How to package Spring Boot application to JAR

JAR stands for Java ARchive. The jar file represents a group of .class files. It is a file format that is based on the ZIP format. It is used to archive .class files, audio files, image files, and directories into a single jar file, which is further used to distribute the application or libraries over… Read More »

Notepad++ Format JSON (2024)

JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation; it is a lightweight, open standard for data interchange over the internet. It uses Key-Value pairs along with objects and arrays and is language-independent, which means we can have two different applications written in different languages exchange data with the help of JSON. In this tutorial, we are going… Read More »

Jenkins – How to configure email notification in Jenkins

Jenkins is an open-source DevOps tool used for continuous integration and deployment via automation of the build, test, and deployment processes across different environments (DEV, SIT, UAT and PROD). Jenkins comes with a built-in feature to get notified once our CI/CD build gets completed. For this, we need to configure email notification in Jenkins server.… Read More »

How to generate one million records in SQL

SQL stands for Structured Query Language. It is used for designing and maintaining structured data in a relational database management system (RDBMS). Structured data are the data that is stored in the form of a table with a structure of rows and columns. SQL allows us to create, access, and manipulate data and the database… Read More »

Jenkins – How to install Jenkins on Windows?

Jenkins is an open-source automation server written in the Java programming language that is used for continuous integration of software projects. It also allows continuous deployment (CI/CD) for software projects by integrating with various testing and deployment tools and technologies. To learn more about Jenkins, please refer to Jenkins: An Introduction to CI/CD and Jenkins.… Read More »

SOLID Principles Java

The SOLID Principles Java are an object-oriented approach to software applications that has changed the way object-oriented applications are written by ensuring modularity, easy maintainability, easy understanding, easy to debug and refactor etc. The acronyms for SOLID principles are following: SOLID Principles Java Let us understand each of the Solid Design Principles Java with the… Read More »

Spring Boot MongoDB CRUD Example

CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update, and Delete. The CRUD Operations are the four basic operations that are performed by the software application on the persistence layer. Software applications perform CRUD operations through the use of the Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP). These HTTP protocols have methods that are used to create, read, update, or delete… Read More »